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Born on Dec. 8, 1951
Casualty was on Sept. 15, 1970

Panel 7W - - Line 67

Pfc. Francis Jeffrey Trotta served with the 3rd Battalion, 5th Marines, Mike Company. His name stands proudly on the Mike 3/5 Wall of Honor alongside the Marines he fought and died with. Semper fi, Brother Marine. We will never forget.


Friend in Combat, with him when he died

A brave young man who served his country. I was proud to have served with him.~Eddie Newell


A Childhood Memory

I didn't know my cousin Frank Trotta; however, one of my early childhood memories was a very sad one. His mother, Doris was her name, lived with our family at the time, and I remember the day that I was told to go to my room and stay there- something very serious was going on, and I didn't quite understand what it was. I remember her pain as she screamed and cried as she was given the terrible news. I was nine years old. I can still remember the photo of him, in his uniform, that she kept near her, in his Marines uniform. She seemed very proud of him. That's all I know, except that he answered the call of his country, and paid the highest price one can pay.~Greg Jordan

Rubbing of Francis Trotta's name taken at The Wall in DC, courtesy of Tom Lindsay, M/3/5
