Rod Johnson

Rod Johnson, India 3/5 I arrived at Da Nang on Oct. 29, 1967. The next day I was sent to the India 3/5 Section Leader (T. J. Torrington was killed the night of "The Alamo,").* My first job was ammo man, which lasted till December.

In December '67, I became A-Gunner which lasted until T. J. was killed, then I became Section Leader of Guns, and held that position until I rotated on Nov. 9, 1968.

I was awarded two Purple Hearts. The first I received on June 17, 1968 (while on Operation MAMELUKE THRUST) when I was hit by shrapnel from an RPG Rocket. The second was received on June 18, 1968 when I was hit by shrapnel from a chi-com grenade.

I was on the following Operations: AUBURN, HOUSTON, HOUSTON II, ALLEN BROOK, MAMELUKE THRUST, HOUSTON IV, MAMELUKE THRUST (26 Jul 68-28 Aug 68), SUSSEX BAY, MAMELUKE THRUST (9 Sept  68-6 Oct 68), MAUI PEAK, HENDERSON HILL, and several unnamed ops.

    One of my very vivid memories is being on a CH-46 that took heavy fire from a 12.7 and small arms fire, and somehow we made it back across the river before the chopper made a semi-crash landing (Joe Klinger was wounded on the same flight) flight. God was with us that day. Semper Fi & "Get Some!" ~Cpl. Rodney S. Johnson (Bones)

 John Gunderson (India 3/5), and Rod and Rosa 

In May 2000, Rod and Rosa traveled from Arizona to Georgia to meet up with 3rd Battalion, 5th Marines who Rod served in Vietnam with. His first reunion in 32 years! 

Thank you so much for sharing your memories and pictures, Brother Marine!~DR

*"The Alamo" is what the Marines of India 3/5 called Jan. 30, 1968, the beginning of the TET Offensive. 

T. J. Torrington Memorial

Operation ALAMO

Operation AUBURN

Operation HOUSTON

Operation HOUSTON II


India 3/5 Website

( background by Redeye)